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August 6, 2019

Facts behind the success of Arnubh Kumar

“It is very important to use your own brain” – Arnubh Kumar

From IIT to US Air Force to TVF Pitchers – Journey of Arunabh Kumar, the Qtiyapa Guy   

Approximately 200,000 subscribers, 18 million views and less than 40 uploaded videos, all of this in just over 18 months of starting up These numbers are something every YouTube user would crave for and media moguls will pay universe to get, but it was never easy to reach these figures. Even Arunabh Kumar, Founder and Creative Experiment Officer of The Viral Fever Media Labs would have never imagined before starting up. Arunabh’s story is nothing less than inspiration and passion personified.
Arunabh Kumar has become a popular name in the world of viral and satirical comedy that cleverly takes a punch at common scenarios. Having started a new wave of online humour targeted at Indians, readers would be interested in uncovering some of the deepest facts about him

Category: Business Tycoon

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