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June 12, 2020

Stay Safe with Your Business Travel During Corona Time

As unlock has been started and so the business, Though work from home is a preferable thing for many businesses but most of business find it tough to get business without travel. And hence business travel is also started.

Yes .. You read it right, Business travel has started and many companies have started sending their resources for various reason to other cities. And here you need to know some very important research that helps you stay safe during your business travel.

Some Corona Infection Study to Stay Safe:

The US government’s Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has made official the emerging scientific evidence on Coronavirus transmission:

1. Very low risk of transmission from surfaces.
2. Very low risk from outdoor activities.
3. Very HIGH risk from gatherings in enclosed spaces like offices, religious places, cinema halls, gyms or theatres, hotel lobbies, buffet places.

These findings that have been emerging for a while need to be applied by people to manage the situation in the best possible manner. Time to reduce panic about surface transmission, and not be too eager to go back to office.

Here Are Some FAQs that you always keep in mind while business travel or just going outside.

Some Tips to Safe Travel During Corona Time:

Who is expected to catch CORONAVIRUS?

TO SUCCESSFULLY INFECT A PERSON, THE VIRUS NEEDS A DOSE OF ~1000 VIRAL PARTICLES (vp) The typical environmental spread of activities:

? Breath: ~20 vp/minute

? Speaking: ~200 vp/minute

? Cough: ~200 million vp (enough of these may remain in air for hours in a poorly ventilated environment)

? Sneeze: ~200 million vp


What are the scenarios where corona infection chances are high

1. Being in vicinity of someone (with 6 ft distancing): Low risk if limit to less than 45 minutes

2. Talking to someone face to face (with mask): Low risk if limit to less than 4 minutes

3. Someone passing you by, like walking/jogging/cycling: Low risk

4. Well-ventilated spaces, with distancing: Low risk (limit duration)

5. Grocery shopping: Medium risk (can reduce to low by limiting time and following hygiene)

6. Indoor spaces: HIGH RISK

7. Public Bathrooms/Common areas: HIGH FOMITE/SURFACE TRANSFER RISK

8. Restaurants: HIGH RISK (can be reduced to medium risk by surface touch awareness)

9. Workplaces/Schools (even with social distancing): VERY HIGH RISK, including high fomite transfer risk

10. Parties/Weddings: VERY HIGH RISK

11. Business networking/conferences: VERY HIGH RISK

12. Arenas/Concerts/Cinemas: VERY HIGH RISK

What are the corona infection risk factors?

The bottom line factors you can use to calculate your risk are: - indoors vs outdoors - narrow spaces vs large, ventilated spaces - high people density vs low people density - longer exposure vs brief exposure The risks will be higher for former scenarios.

From this result one thing is for sure that increasing time and multiple touch point may increase risk of corona infevtion. To avoid this best is stay at home else stay at our PAJASA serviced apartments (Your Second Home).



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