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August 2, 2019

The Timeline History of Amazon

The Timeline History of Amazon

Twenty years back Amazon started with a small bookstore and Today It is now the world’s biggest online retailer, aiming to sell everything from A to Z. 

Amazon’s businesses encompass a wide range of product types, service offerings and delivery channels. We provide timelines of significant corporate announcements and developments for each country in which the company operates.In its early years, Amazon chose developed economies in which to launch its online book store and e-commerce platform.

The US is its largest market, accounting for 67% of 2016 revenues, followed by Germany at 10%, Japan at 8% and the UK at 7%. The rest of the markets in which it operates account for just 8% of its total revenues. Amazon’s Kindle store, e-commerce site and marketplace are available in 15 countries and Prime Video is available in 242 countries. Collectively, these services accounted for 90% of the company’s total revenues in 2016.

Amazon had made a huge success from selling books to becoming the top retailer store, Amazon had made successful events and had added them to its History of Timeline, They tsarted as a small store and now half of the world knows what Amazon is

The struggle behind becoming such a famous company sets a high bench mark, Here are some of the important dates in the History of Amazon. Take a look back at Amazon’s history with this timeline of the most important events in the company’s development.

Category: Timeline History

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