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August 2, 2019

Timeline History of Hinduja Group

Timeline History of Hinduja Group

Hinduja Group is involved in a wide range of activities including foundries, import export, trading, motor vehicles, banking, call centres and healthcare. Hinduja today has a massive structure of growth with its new inventions provided to us by them. Hinduja was founded in 1914 by a Sindhi Family and today the Hinduja Group is an Indian conglomerate company headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

Today, the Hinduja Group has become one of the largest diversified groups in the world spanning all the continents. The Group employs over 150,000+ people and has offices in many key cities of the world and all the major cities in India.Some of the companies which Hinduja Group gave us are HInduja Leyland, Ashok Leyland, Indusland Bank, Gulf Oil Corporation etc

Below is the Brief History Timeline of Hinduja Group

Category: Timeline History

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