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August 2, 2019

Timeline History of Linked In

Timeline History of Linked In

The Timeline History of Linked In marks some of the major events in the evolution of the popular network, from the time it was found, the day it was launched officially to its 500M member milestone. The graph also includes important product features released throughout the years, Linked In has now become an important tool for the Corporate to deal with. Eventually, Linked In is at a whole new level with many features added. Linked in has now become a Facebook For Business. It has been a decade since LinkedIn was founded as a business-related social network and now it has grown up to become a successful public company with more than 225 million members

Basically, The image was created in PowerPoint using the Office Timeline, modified. The Plus version of the tool can be of great help to users requiring more advanced customization options and is ideal for building professional visuals and business presentations.

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Category: Timeline History

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